PERIOD: from the 1st of May 2017 to the 31st of December 2017
VENUE: Slavonski Brod and Zadar, Croatia
Europe House Slavonski Brod, Croatia
Change it!, Czech Republic
IIC, Bulgaria
Taraba, Montenegro
Konya Metropolitan Municipality Kilicarslan Youth Center, Turkey
Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Pozaformalnej “Meritum” – Poland
KANE, Greece
Centar za edukaciju mladih, Bosnia and Herzegovina
With “Youth UP” project we want to foster an entrepreneurial mindset and culture among young people. We would like to empower youth by boosting their self-confidence and making them more aware of their potentials, and by increasing their entrepreneurial skills related to finding and creating opportunities for themselves. By allowing young participants from different backgrounds to come together, by allowing them to discover, compare and discuss advantages and disadvantages of living in rural or urban areas, by raising their awareness of different educational possibilities and job opportunities for youngsters in cities and villages, we feel that we can play a very important role towards promotion of youth entrepreneurship, especially where the public initiative is weak and increase general attitude of the young towards self‑employment.
increase the levels of entrepreneurial skills and sense of initiative of youth from the participating organizations compare and discuss advantages and disadvantages of living in rural or urban areas;
help young participants to identify their talents and career opportunities around them;
discover and raise the awareness among participants (and consequently among the wider audience) about employment and career possibilities for youth in different surroundings;
discover and raise the awareness among participants (and consequently among the wider audience) about educational possibilities for youth in different surroundings;
empower youth into becoming more entrepreneurial in finding and creating job opportunities and chances;
organize a local youth-led activity initiated by exchange participants and related to entrepreneurship for 20 youngsters after the second exchange;
producing a booklet where main findings on advantages, disadvantages, and opportunities for youth living in rural and urban areas are compared