EVS – ing Slavonski Brod

TITLE: EVS – ing Slavonski Brod

PROGRAM: Erasmus +

ACTION TYPE: Youth mobility

PERIOD: from the 04. September 2016. to the 03. May 2018.

VENUE: Kalamata Greece

PARTNERS: Kentro Neon Kalamatas K.A.N.E.



This project is a KA1 project consisting of 2 activities, one long-term European Voluntary Service activity and 1 short-term mobility of youth workers, both taking place in Kalamata, Greece and involving 2 organisation, Europe House Slavonski Brod, coordinator and sending organisation and K.A.NE. Social Youth Development, hosting organisation.

Main aim through this project is to contribute to the professionalization and better networking of youth work organizations, especially in terms of working with young volunteers and to the improvement of the services offered to young people, especially young people with fewer opportunities.  To promote EVS and volunteering in general as a means to support the development of skills and competences at both personal and professional level, by the young people that participate in them and the consequent strengthening of the young people’s position in the labour market, after the end of their EVS / voluntary activity.

Our main objectives through this project are:

–          to foster the development of skills and competencies by the participants on both personal and professional level

–          to promote networking , build the capacity and improve the youth work services of participating organizations by the exchange of good practices

–          to promote wider recognition of the importance of non – formal learning and the skills and competencies acquired through this , especially in regards to improving the position of young people in the labor market ,

–          to highlight the significance of youth work activities

–          to promote volunteerism and active participation as a means for personal, professional and also community development.

EVS – ing Slavonski Brod

Studijski posjet "Budućnost poljoprivrede"