Clicking with Voters

The project «Clicking with Voters » was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”

Preparatory activites and 7 events have been carried out within this project:

  • Preparatory activites

Participation: Preparatory activies involved 19 citizens, including 2 participant from the city of Marseille, France, 5 participant from the cities of Zagreb and Slavonski Brod, Croatia, 2 participant from the city of Krakow, Poland, 2 participant from city of Kalamata, Greece, 2 participant from city of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, 2 participant from city of Kristianstadt, Sweden, 2 participant from city of Daugavpils, Latvia and 2 participants from the city of Prague, Czech Republic

Location / Dates: The preparatory activities have taken place in Marseille, France, Prague, Czech Republic, Slavonski Brod, Croatia, Kalamata, Greece, Veliko Turnovo, Dauvgapils, Latvia, Kristianstadt, Sweden and Krakow, Poland during the first month of the project implementation.

Short description: During the preparation phase of the project each partner organization has identified the key staff members that would be responsible for the implementation of the project. In this way the Project Team has been formed. EHSB has drafted Partnership Agreement regulating the rights, responsibilities and budget of all of the project partners. Project Team develop and adopt an Implementation and Monitoring Plan of the Project with intention to streamline project management and implementation of the work programme according to the schedule of Activities. During this phase, researchers were contacted, research was developed and questionnaires prepared for the implementation. All partners were responsible to develop their own project communication strategy with network of local partners and local medias.

  • Event 1 – International Kick off Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic

Participation: The event involved 77 citizens, including 1 participant from the city of Marseille, France, 1 participant from the city of Slavonski Brod, Croatia, 1 participant from the city of Krakow, Poland, 1 participant from city of Kalamata, Greece, 1 participant from city of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, 1 participant from city of Kristianstadt, Sweden, 1 participant from city of Daugavpils, Latvia and 70 participants from the city of Prague, Czech Republic

Location / Dates: The event took place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 12/09/2018 – 15/09/2018

Short description: The main aim of this event was for the partners in this project to meet together and discuss the Clicking with Voters project, to define the objectives of and the strategies for the implementations of the activities, and the process to be followed throughout the project. During the event, the partners drew up a clear strategy that would ensure the quality implementation of the project, created our communication and dissemination plans, divided the tasks between the partners and defined the main topics for continuation of the project. Event also included round table discussion “European Union and Future of Youth” where 77 participants discussed the EU upcoming elections, Euroscepticism and youth status in modern Europe.

  • Event 2 – Citizens Panel “Election day 2019: Voting in the Upcoming European Elections“, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria

Participation: The event involved 76 citizens, 1 participant from the city of Most, Czech Republic, 1 participant from the city of Marseille, France, 7 participant from the city of Slavonski Brod, Croatia, 1 participant from the city of Krakow, Poland, 1 participant from city of Kalamata, Greece, 1 participant from city of Kristianstadt, Sweden, 1 participant from city of Daugavpils, Latvia and 63 participants from the city of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria.

Location / Dates: The event took place in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, from 28/10/2018 – 31/10/2018

Short description: The Conference was dedicated to the importance of the active citizenship and the upcoming European Parliament elections. Furthermore, results of the Clicking with Voters Survey were also presented and panel discussion on Voting in the Upcoming European Elections where experts discussed common citizens’ concerns, e.g. poverty and social exclusion, the effects of the economic crisis, unemployment, social policy, etc. During the second day, public had the opportunity to hear more about the “Europe for Citizens” program and other EU programs that provide different opportunities to young people – education, volunteering, mobility and employment within the EU Member States.

  • Event 3 – Training for Citizens activators in Krakow, Poland

Participation: The event involved 32 citizens, including 3 participant from the city of Marseille, France, 3 participants from the city of Prague, Czech Republic, 8 participants from the city of Slavonski Brod, Croatia, 3 participants from city of Kalamata, Greece, 3 participants from city of Veliko Turnovo, 5 participants from city of Dauvgapils, Latvia, 1 participant from city of Kristianstadt, Sweden and 6 participants from the city of Krakow, Poland

Location / Dates: The event took place in city of Krakow, Poland, from 03/12/2018 – 08/12/2018

Short description: The main aim of this event was to give participant a model – Youth Parliaments how to engage young people in decision making process. Additionally, objectives was to provide the participants with the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and competences concerning the active citizenship concept, awareness raising campaign development, creation of mechanisms that should enable European citizens to develop civic competences, communication channels that are open for dialogue between European institutions and citizens, skills to motivate others, tools to manage the international campaign at local level. Participants, during this event, explored context in relation to fostering initiatives, presented good examples of campaigns implemented in their countries, expanded their knowledge on communication skills and audience development and used different communication tools available online in order to develop national awareness raising campaign. As the final outcome, national teams of each partner organization had to present a national campaign plan that will help into raising the awareness on the importance of active citizenship, citizenship education and empowered civil sector in general.

  • Event 4 – International grassroots campaign at each partner country

 Participation: The events involved 1980 citizens, including 240 participant from the cities of Aubagne, Marseille, France, 240 participants from the city of Prague, Czech Republic, 300 participants from the city of Slavonski Brod, Nova Gradiška, Pakrac, Vukovar, Croatia, 240 participants from city of Kalamata, Greece, 240 participants from city of Veliko Turnovo, 240 participants from city of Dauvgapils, Latvia, 240 participant from city of Kristianstadt, Sweden and 240 participants from the cities of Oświęcim, Krakow, Poland

Location / Dates: The events took place in the cities Aubagne, Marseille, France, in the city of Prague, Czech Republic, in the cities of Slavonski Brod, Nova Gradiška, Pakrac, Vukovar, Croatia, in the city of Kalamata, Greece, in the city of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, in the city of Dauvgapils, Latvia, in the city of Kristianstadt, Sweden and in the cities of Oświęcim, Krakow, Poland from 10/12/2018 – 10/05/2019

Short description: During the training, participants developed a 5 month Clicking with Voters campaign promoting EU citizenship and European Parliament Elections. The campaign had international character but it was run by volunteers on local level from December to May 2019.  During the campaign, each partner was responsible for selecting YP volunteers, social media influencers, to train and support them in running of the campaign. They had to organize at least 1 music/public awareness raising event and 3 YP sessions with aim to encourage a bottom-up debate to allow young people to express on what they perceive to be EU urgent issues relevant to the development of Europe.

  • Event 5 – International Youth Parliament Session and Debate in Slavonski Brod, Croatia

 Participation: The event involved 106 citizens including 8 participant from the city of Marseille, France, 5 participants from the city of Prague, Czech Republic, 7 participants from city of Kalamata, Greece, 8 participants from city of Veliko Turnovo, 1 participants from city of Dauvgapils, Latvia, 1 participants from city of Bologna, Italy, 3 participant from city of Kristianstadt, Sweden and 9 participants from the city of Krakow, Poland and 64 participants from the city of Slavonski Brod, Nova Gradiška, Pakrac, Vukovar, Croatia

Location / Dates: The event took place in city of Slavonski Brod, Croatia from 06/05/2019 – 10/05/2019

Short description: The YP session presented best practices when speaking about concept of active citizenship, citizenship education, fighting youth unemployment, intercultural education and the role of civil society in all of the stated areas. The aim was to provide young people  with understanding of how different EU institutions work, why it is important to participate in the democratic life of the EU and to give them a platform where they could express their views on the most relevant youth issues of the contemporary Europe and what would be their expectations of the future Europe. The activity involved not only young people, NGO members, teachers and schools staff but also representatives of local and European public authorities.

  • Event 6 – Citizens’ Discussion Panel “Define Your Europe: What Europe should be dealing with after 2019“, Daugavpils, Latvia

Participation: The event involved 61 citizens, 1 participant from the city of Prague, Czech Republic, 1 participant from the city of Marseille, France, 1 participant from the city of Slavonski Brod, Croatia, 1 participant from the city of Krakow, Poland, 1 participant from city of Kalamata, Greece, 1 participant from the city of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, and 55 participants from city of Daugavpils, Latvia.

Location / Dates: The event took place in city of Daugavpils, Latvia from 11/09/2019 – 14/09/2019

Short description: Main topic of the meeting was what Europe should be dealing with after  2019. Participants discussed the election results and their opinion on key topics for post 2019 Europe. Conclusions of both Citizens Panel have been compiled in a brochure and published online.

  • Event 7 – Final conference in Kristianstadt, Sweden

Participation: The event involved 80 citizens, including 1 participant from the city of Marseille, France, 1 participant from the city of Slavonski Brod, Croatia, 1 participant from the city of Krakow, Poland, 1 participant from city of Kalamata, Greece, 1 participant from city of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, 1 participants from the city of Prague, Czech Republic and 74 participants from city of Kristianstadt, Sweden,

Location / Dates: The event took place in Kristianstadt, Sweden, from 20/11/2019 – 23/11/2019

Short description: Final conference was designed as a public event where citizens could find out more about project, result of research, campaign and its impact for the participants. Partners had a meeting where they discussed project reporting, evaluation and follow up.


Clicking with Voters

Studijski posjet "Budućnost poljoprivrede"