The project’s overall objective is spreading more knowledge about EU particularly in the context of the economic crisis, a general rise in antiimmigrant sentiment and xenophobia – to citizens of the member states and EU candidate countries, in order to overcome democratic deficit.
to increase the motivation and build the citizens capacities and competences from current and potential MSs to participate actively in building future Europe.
to enhance the interactive relation between citizens and institution, encouraging a bottom up approach to allow citizens to express their views on the EU – on what they perceive to be the EU urgent issues relevant to the development of Europe.
to encourage citizens to use exited democratic instruments and to develop innovative one.
to enhance participation in debate to build the capacity of civil society organizations.
to foster European citizenship and ownership of the Europe.
The action will be implemented by 14 NGOs from 9 MSs (Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Spain, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Latvia), and 3 CC (Serbia, Montenegro, FYROM).
During 16 months project events will involve 500 direct participants and numerous wider local public who will overcome the “knowledge deficit” and gain better understanding about EU – necessary ground for their more active involvement in creating future Europe.