Keep Your Eyes Open – Training in Marseille
From 11th to 17th December 2018 representatives of Europe House Slavonski Brod have visited Marseille to meet other partners on the international Keep Your Eyes Open training.
Eurasia Net, a French Non-Governmental-Organisation which develops cultural, educational, and artistic cooperation in Europe and between Europe and Asia has hosted members of partner organisations from 4 countries: Croatia, Romania, Phlippines and Vietnam. Eurasia Net team has presented EYES brand (Eurasia for Youth Entrepreneurship and Social business) and Keep Your Eyes Open project to the partners.
During the training participants were discussing next steps and activities of project in order to strenghten a transnational and multidimensional network across Europe and Asia that allows the transfer of innovative practices in the social business field in order to foster youth social entrepreneurship and increase awareness over the topic, employing the communication tools created during the former EYES project, a non-formal education approach and the youth mobility by itself as a key to self-development and formal acces to the social business sector.