EYES website
Over the course of our last three posts explaining the EYES website, you’ve familiarized yourself with various elements of SSE and social entrepreneurship. Some of you have maybe had the exciting thought of launching your own project! If so, why not head over to the EYES website one more time and visit the I want to launch my project section? It can be found at the following URL: https://www.eurasianet.eu/eyes/en/je-lance-mon-projet/ You’ll find key elements to help you through it, and if you scroll down to the bottom you’ll find a nifty data sheet that you can download to use on your path to success.
Before you start browsing, we want you to remember that if you ever get stuck, feel free to use the contacts on the website for additional help: http://www.eurasianet.eu/ey…/contacts-download-partenaires/…